
[队友游记] 心之长假

发表于 2004-12-15 14:40:32 | 显示全部楼层
xiao tu ,please forgive me using your place.I cant open anyother pages of shanlv here, only this one is ok, i dont konw why.
Its too slowly going to internet here.and no computer has chinese language in it ,but they have chinese to display.The weather here is very good,almost the same as our spriing and summer.its the best time to visit myanmar, so there are so many foringner tourists ,most of them are westerners.And in Hispaw,I met a chinese person coming from HuNan who lived there more than 30 years.He tole me that  i am the first chinese tourist who had been here. So suiprising news! we are neighbours,but it difficult to visit each other by land. we can go to myanmar by plan ,from GuangDong or ShangHai to Yangon(myanmar's capital) or to mandalay,but if we want to go there from land(RuiLi or Xi Shuang Ban Na.China),we must have myanmar govment's permit, and there are three  very strict chece points on the road. There are more than ten soliders? each chece point.
Some people said its the same like  in China 20 years ago. I think there are so  many different things.
Myanmar people are very nice,politely and kindly.There is noting about their poorness.
Thank you for my friends' careness!
Best wishes!
发表于 2004-12-15 14:48:28 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-12-15 15:01:31 | 显示全部楼层

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-12-15 15:09:01编辑过]
发表于 2004-12-15 15:03:06 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-12-15 15:15:06 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-12-15 19:28:09 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用铃铛在2004-12-15 14:00:46的发言:
hello every one!
i am in myanmar now. its too difficultto look for a computer that i can use it in chinese ! i am crasy but i think i am a clever girl,i find my chinese name words from the  internet,and copy and paste! time and time again ,its ok now.
  i arrived myanmar in 9.dec.04,and today,i am stay in mandalay,the city has a nomantic name ,like casabulanca. this afternoon,i'll go to mandalay's old palace and mandalay hill,its said that mandalay hill's sunset is the most beautiful one all over the world.
after mandalay,i'll go to bagan ,yangon,bago and anyoter places in myanmar may be.
i think myanmar is a nice place,but its not compuletely opend now,there are many check points especially for chinese.

like casabulanca,有这么好吗
发表于 2004-12-15 19:35:02 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用more129在2004-12-15 15:03:06的发言:

发表于 2004-12-15 20:53:08 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-12-15 21:26:40 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-12-15 21:58:03 | 显示全部楼层
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